This week in Professional Experience we had a guest speaker. The guest speaker graced us with her presence in a different way thanks to technology. Our guest (Carmel Burke- An expert on digital storytelling) made her impact in the classroom through a video conference. As i sat there listening to her speak I was blown away for a minute by how amazing this was. That technology has allowed us to take geography and travelling out of the equation in connecting us to anyone in the world and still be able to listen, talk to them and see them face-to-face.This left me amazed and i thought how fantastic this tool is in the classroom. For example in my future classroom, we could communicate with classrooms on the other side of the world ( time delays permitting) and get a feel for what life at school is like on the other side of the world. We could also talk to experts on the other side of the world or people in remote areas e.g people working in Antarctica. This form of technology has literally opened up a whole new world in the way of communicating with people.
Image Source: Cssidy, K. (2006) Skyping with Ms Marrinan [photograph]. Sourced from
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