Sunday, 5 June 2011

Blogging in the School Classroom

I have just finished reading my fellow peers Melissa Grays blog post on integrating technology into the classroom- in particular blogging. Melissa's blog post came about after she read an interesting article by Joanne Brookfield on Blogging and using it in the classroom. I found Melissa's blog post to be very interesting and very relevant as we have been blogging each week as part of our course. Through blogging each week I have come to learn so much as I have been able to reflect each week on what I have learnt and then refer back to this whenever I felt the need. Mel makes a great point about blogging based on Henrietta Millers own blogging in her class and that is that it can be used in the classroom to connect with other cultures all over the world. I find this so exciting and fascinating. I remember having a pen pal in year 6 from America and I looked forward to each Wednesday when we would exchange emails. It was such a fun experience to learn all about school life on the other side of the world. Now blogging could replace pen pals and make this experience so much more exciting. Imagine being able to read each others blogs, see photos of each others school life and share similar thoughts on school and learning. I believe this would open up another world to the previous life of emailing pen pals. You can read Melissa Grays Blog post here and read Joannes Brookfields fantastic article about  Henrietta Miller here.

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